Contents of the Manage Requisitions Screen

The requisitions that display by default are those with Status selected for the Manage Requisitions Default Filter For Statuses system setting, which is managed by your company’s System Administrator.


Column Description
Action Indicator The icon indicates whether specific actions were taken against the requisition or if the requisition requires your attention. Expand or collapse the column by clicking .
Modified This is the date the requisition was last modified.
Posted This is the date the requisition was posted (or final approval given).
Division This is the organizational unit selected.
Job Code This is the Job Code of the Job Profile.
Req. # This is the individual requisition number
Job Title This is the title of the job.
Location This is the location or locations indicated for the job. The bundle association by location is based on the requisition’s primary location. When multiple locations are associated with a bundle, as long as the locations match, the association will be triggered.
Vacancies This is populated from the # of Hires Needed field. As new employees are hired, this number will decrease.
Views This is the number of views the job has received on your career center. The number does not include views from job boards to which the job was cross-posted.
New Résumés This is the number of applicants that have yet to be dispositioned (marked as a Candidate, removed). The number includes both screened-in and screened-out applicants.
Candidates This is the number of active candidates.
Status This is the current posting status. Click the status to select a new status.
Team This lists the team(s) assigned to the requisition.
Recruiter This is the person assigned as the recruiter.
HM This is the person assigned as the hiring manager.
Incomplete Apps This displays the number of individuals who did not complete the application process. Click the value in this column to launch the View Incomplete Applications screen, which contains the applicants listing filtered by requisition.

Action Indicator Codes

The codes in the Action Indicator columns are as follows:

Action Indicator Code Meaning Description
F Featured A check mark under this column indicates that the job requisition is marked as a featured job.
SQ Screening Questionnaires A check mark under this column indicates that a screening questionnaire is assigned to I (internal) and/or E (external) applicants.

Click the check mark to view the questionnaire.

An X mark under this column indicates that the questionnaire has been deleted from the requisition.

CP Cross-Post. A check mark under this column indicates that the requisition has been cross-posted.

Click the check mark to view the boards where the job post has been sent and also to select additional boards for cross posting.

SM Social Media Sharing A check mark under this column indicates that the requisition was shared on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter by either yourself or another user.

Click the check mark to view the social media sites where the requisition was shared.

VHO Vendor Hiring Order A check mark under this column indicates that a hiring order was issued to vendors.

Click the check mark to view the hiring order details and to view the vendors to whom the requisition was issued.

ER Employee Referral A check mark under this column indicates that the requisition has been sent to the Employee Referral System (ERS) and approved. An X mark indicates that the requisition is pending approval to appear in the ERS. An X mark also indicates that an award plan needs to be created for the requisition.
A Assessment A check mark under this column indicates that an assessment is attached to the requisition.
K Kiosk A check mark under this column indicates that the requisition has been posted to a kiosk.


The actions that are available in the drop-down list options for the Actions column are as follows.

Action Description
Edit This allows you to edit requisition details.
Print or Email Job Details This action allows you to print, email, or download requisition details in PDF format.
Copy This will create an exact copy of the requisition.
Flag Job as “Featured” This action allows you to flag a job as “Featured” to job seekers. When you select this action, the job is given priority placement on the job search results performed by job seekers. The job is marked with a star and appears first in the list, with a different background color.
Refresh Posting Date This action sets the Date Opened field, which is displayed to the job seeker, to today's date. This affects only your external and internal career centers. It does not affect the posted date on any job boards to which the requisition was cross-posted or any dates used in reports.

The Refreshed Date column that can be displayed on the Manage Requisitions screen shows the date when the job was refreshed.

Cross-post this Job This action allows you to cross post the requisition to external job boards.
Social Media Sharing This action allows you to send the job to Facebook or Twitter, or as a status update to LinkedIn.
Screening Questionnaires This action allows you to add or manage screening questionnaires.
Add a Résumé This action allows you to add a résumé to the selected requisition. You can then invite the person to apply to the requisition or mark the applicant as a candidate.
Cloud Talent Search This action give you quick access to performing a Monster Cloud search. Click this to open the Cloud search form. Several details are automatically pre-populated from the requisition, such as the job title, primary location, and requisition codes. If the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) search requirement is enabled, this also sets the requisition as pre-selected.

This action displays only if your company purchased the Monster integration feature.

Find Matching Résumés This action allows you to find résumés in the database that match the details of the requisition.

This action displays only if your company purchased the Monster integration feature.

Find Matching Employees This action allows you to find employees in the database who match the details of the requisition.

This action displays only if your company purchased the Monster integration feature.

Notes & Transaction Log This action allows you to view the requisition or add notes to it. You can also view the change history.
Add Attachments This action allows you to add or view attachments.
Send to Referral Program This action allows you to send the job to your Referral System.
Send Job To kiosks This action redirects you to the screen on which you can select particular kiosks; you can then send job to those kiosks.
Issue Vendor Hiring Order This action allows you to issue a Vendor Hiring Order to one or more vendors.